Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Favorite Things

This is a handy dandy sheet that you can use with your team members or other staff members. I f you have them fill it out at the beginning of the year, then you can use the information on the sheet to help with birthday presents, holiday presents or just a thoughtful unexpected surprise. Come on . . . who doesn't like a surprise?  
This is the way our team uses it: At the beginning of the year, each person on the second grade team fills out the "My Favorite Things" sheet. Then one person collects all the sheets and put them in a binder so the information can be referenced at any time. Low and behold, just when you think your day can't get any worse, a little surprise shows up in your mailbox and your day is instantly brightened. Actually, our entire staff filled out a similar sheet when the school opened. All of those sheets were then put into a huge binder in the mail room for any occasion.

My Favorite Things -


  1. What a great idea! Thank you so much.

  2. Carol, this is fabulous! You are going to get a lot of comments on this blog make sure you answer them all as that will keep them coming back.

  3. I LOVE it! Thanks for the share! Good luck with your blog!
